In celebration of the Serino Cigar Companies 20th Anniversary, the Serino Royale Cigar line was created with the sole purpose of delivering a new, higher standard, super premium, Nicaraguan cigar rivaling the very best cigars anywhere, at any price. The industry wide famous Omar Gonzalez-Aleman, a master Cuban cigar blender and head production director of many world famous brands (Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, San Cristobal de Habana, Hoyo de Monterrey) now oversees the entire Serino Royale process, from seedlings, to curing, fermentation, aging and rolling. Using only the most vintage tobaccos from Esteli and Jalapa Nicaragua. Also, in the Cuban tradition, the finest Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrappers. Each box in the line, Connecticut, Medio, Maduro, and Maduro XX, are packaged in their own beautiful cedar lined 20 count Humidors and include the Boveda 2-way humidity control.
A Simply Exquisite Smoking Experience Awaits You!
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